Agar Powder 10g

Agar is a growth medium used to culture microorganisms in laboratory situations. 3 grams is enough for 7-13 petri dishes. 10 grams is enough for 20-40 petri dishes. Includes instructions and MSDS sheet.
MacCornkey Agar - Dehydrated - 100g

MacCornkey Agar - Dehydrated - 100g
Agar medium used for the isolation and differentiation of the Enterobacteriaceae based upon the fermentation of lactose.
MacConkey Agar is a selective agar medium used for the isolation, differentiation enumeration of the Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram negative bacteria in water, dairy products, other sanitary materials and clinical specimens.
Universal Beer Agar (UBA) Dehydrated 100g Bottle

Description: Universal Beer Agar was formulated by Kozulis and Page to isolate and enumerate a wide variety of bacteria and yeast, which are encountered in the brewing industry. This formulation is selective since it only allows the growth of those organisms which can grow in the presence of hops and alcohol. The addition of beer for the formulation inhibits the growth of transient airborne microorganisms.
BenchMark Agarose LE 25g

Multi-purpose, high purity
Enhanced resolution and clarity
- Reduced background
- Low EEO / increased electrophoretic mobility
- RNase, DNase, Protease-free
- High hysteresis, improved thermal stability
Benchmark Agarose LE is a highly purified agarose, suitable for a variety of molecular biology applications. It is refined using an advanced process that excludes the use of organic solvents, yielding a cleaner end-product with a significantly reduced environmental impact.
Nutrient Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 plates

MacConkey Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 Plates

MacConkey Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 Plates
Agar medium used for the isolation and differentiation of the Enterobacteriaceae based upon the fermentation of lactose.
MacConkey Agar is a selective agar medium used for the isolation, differentiation enumeration of the Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram negative bacteria in water, dairy products, other sanitary materials and clinical specimens.
Potato Dextrose Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 plates

Agar medium used for the isolation, identification, and cultivation of fungi.
Potato Dextrose Agar is recommended for the cultivation and isolation of yeasts and molds from dairy and food products.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 plates

Agar medium used for the isolation, identification, and cultivation of fungi.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is an agar medium recommended for the isolation, cultivation, and identification of non-pathogenic and pathogenic fungi.
Standard Methods Agar Prepared Plate - Set of 10 plates

Agar medium which meets APHA specifications for obtaining the microbial content of milk and other sanitary materials.
Description: Standard Methods Agar is formulated according to the specifications described by the APHA for use in performing the standard plate count of bacteria in dairy products.
Starch Agar Prepared Plate -Set of 10

Beef extract provides the nitrogen, vitamins, carbon, and amino acids in Starch Agar. Starch reacts with Gram Iodine to give a blue color. Organisms hydrolyzing starch through amylase production will produce a clearing around the isolate while the remaining medium is blue. Agar is the solidifying agent.