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Large MAGic Clamp Platform for Orbi-Shaker and Orbi-Shaker C02
Large MAGic Clamp Platform for Orbi-Shaker and Orbi-Shaker C02
Large MAGic Clamp Platform for Orbi-Shaker and Orbi-Shaker C02
Our Price: $219.00

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 Business Day
Product Code: 2998

Description Technical Specs
Note: Item shown in use on Orbi-Shaker with several sizes of clamps - all sold separately.

The convenient MAGic Clamp™ platform is for use with Erlenmeyer flasks and test tube racks in the Orbi-Shaker, and the Orbi-Shaker C02. The unique, magnetic attachment method is the easiest way to instantly change between flask clamps of different sizes. This larger model is 14" x 12" and has a great capacity than the small MAGic Clamp.

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